How will our hospitals look in the future? Will they still be the large institutions where everyone can go, or will we lean towards smaller, specialized care centers? Will technology allow us to monitor certain things from home? For example, monitoring a pregnant person or a patient with diabetes. What is the role of artificial intelligence in our future healthcare system? How will we educate our future doctors, therapists, and nurses? What kind of relationship will we establish with our doctors as patients, or will we start calling them health coaches?
Interested in discovering the hospital of the future? Sign up now!
The language of the tour is Dutch.
Discount codes:
Students (-25%): HHSTUDENT24
Seniors +65 (-20%): HHSENIOR24
People with disabilities (-20%): HHPLUS24
Gaston Geenslaan 11/B4, 3001 Leuven