/ we inspire
Dive into the future of health and care
Health House has 2 carefully curated experiences that transport visitors into future scenarios, showcasing the potential of medical advancements and innovations.
- Interactive exhibits
- Virtual reality journeys
- Engaging multimedia presentations
/ we can inspire
Our storylines
01. Technologies in healthcare
We follow human life from pre-conception to old age. Throughout our lives we are regularly confronted with various diseases.
We will show you how we can better handle these diseases in the future, investigate them preventively, monitor them and improve our quality of life. In addition, you can explore the latest developments within the province of Flemish Brabant, an unique knowledge region in the heart of Europe, promoted in this storyline on the basis of four pillars: community building, internationalization, branding and project operation.
Discover how to get to a more preventive and personalized healthcare system rooted in (digital) data.
- Onsite guided experience at Health House
- Explore innovative health projects
- Show impact of technology on the future of our health and care
02. Hospital of the future
What will our hospitals look like in the future?
Are they still the large institutions that everyone can go to or are we more likely to go to smaller, specialised care centres?
Will technology ensure that we can monitor certain things from home? What is the role of artificial intelligence in our future care system? How are we going to train our future doctors, therapists and nurses?
What relationship do we as patients build up with our doctors or will we call them health coaches from now on?
These and many more questions are visualised in an interactive way, giving you as a visitor the opportunity to make your mark on the visualisation of the hospital and care of the future.
- Onsite guided experience at Health House
- Assignment by minister Jo Vandeurzen for the visualisation of Hospital of the future
- Content based on green book "Hospital of the future"
03. Planet Virus: Preparing for the next pandemic and beyond
Planet Virus is a new educational learning platform on COVID-19 that shares unique insights and learnings to prevent the next pandemic. Planet Virus is a combination of scientifically validated research, international studies and interviews with various (scientific) experts on the impact of COVID-19 on our world.
By combining sources from over 60 world-renowned institutions (KU Leuven, MIT, NASA, Harvard, WHO, Stanford, U Hasselt, CEPI, Nature, NY Times, …) and creating mind-blowing cinematic visuals, Planet Virus is the most interactive, educational experience on pandemics produced in the 21st century.
- Onsite guided experience at Health House
/ cases
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