Driven by Health – Mental balance in youth

"It's about time it stopped, we can hardly do anything anymore..." Anyone who has children or frequently interacts with young people probably recognizes this sentence. The COVID-19 crisis is no fun for anyone, but certainly not for the 16- to 25-year-olds in our society.

Watch the livestream here

A recent study by GEMS reveals that young people are highly vulnerable to the psychological toll of the COVID-19 measures. They lack connectedness, autonomy, and self-belief. At the same time, criticism of young people is also growing. Some view them as spoiled and selfish or blame them for not taking the consequences seriously.

During our second “Driven by Health” session, a panel of experts delved deeper into the impact of the coronavirus on the mental well-being of our youth. How heavy were the stricter measures and lockdowns? How did this group cope with social isolation? Was ‘La Boum’ the party of freedom or a April Fools’ joke gone wrong? And what about the mental resilience of young people now that there is finally perspective to return to a freer, more normal world?

Our panel consisted of:

  • Moderator: Jan Hautekiet
  • prof. Inez Germeys, Professor of Contextual Psychiatry (KU Leuven)
  • prof. Maarten Vansteenkiste, Professor of Developmental and Motivational Psychology (UGent)
  • Tom Van Daele, director, Steunpunt Geestelijke Gezondheid vzw – Te Gek!?
  • Loredana Cremery, Youth Advisor Vlaamse Jeugdraad – Goed in je vel

With valued video contributions from:

  • prof. Dirk De Wachter, Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist (UPC KU Leuven)
  • Dirk Dewolf, Administrator-General (Agency Zorg en Gezondheid)

About Driven by Health

‘Driven by Health’ is a seminar series about the future of healthcare. The initiative is coordinated by Leuven MindGate and Health House, and is supported by KU Leuven and UZ Leuven. ‘Driven by Health’ aims to provide a platform for inspiring speakers with enriching insights into innovation in healthcare.


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